Saturday, September 1, 2012

Weeknight Winner

It’s Wednesday and that means only one thing to me and the man:  Pizza.

Why, you ask?
The first time we met is a story on it’s own, but for now I’ll only scratch the surface.  He wanted to know where he could take a chef out to dinner, and I casually mentioned that I’m just like everyone else, in fact, I looove pizza.  Every week since then (well, almost) we’ve met up at a hole in the wall pizza joint (a meet in the middle kinda place) that has free refills for the guy and is BYOB for me.

I usually always get the same thing and so does he, Wednesday happens to be BOGO night at the pizza joint, and so we each get our own small.  I would say we only do that because it’s the special, but really we’d be the half/half people anyway because of our topping choices, and this just makes things easier.  But tonight I have a wine that I wanted to try that’s a little big for my “usual” so I branched out.  I had a blend from the southern part of the northern Rhone that’s big and bold so I’m going to gamble on a BBQ pizza (crazy, right?!). 

When the pizza is half off, I can make an exception so this one was a splurge, but the pair actually worked out really well!

Famille Perrin Reserve Cotes Du Rhone Rouge
Somewhere around $13-14 a bottle at the local market.  I lost the receipt, but I know it was more than I normally spend (but not more than 14 lol).   I matched the complexity of the wine with a complex pizza - a gamble that actually worked.  Fatty bacon, with astringent tannins, medium acid, and jammy fruit.  Sweet, tangy BBQ sauce with high alcohol, and black pepper spice come together to make this pairing sing.  Pretty good for a $12.00 pizza date if I do say so myself.

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